

August 1, 2020

Good Morning!

When many people think of traveling solo, especially as a female, there is a lot of negative connotations that come along with it. Many think it is lonely or unsafe but it is neither of those. Traveling solo is one of the best things a person can do, especially at a young age. It has so many benefits and is one thing I wish I could have done again and much longer.

Here are the top 8 reasons why everyone should travel solo at some point in their life:

1. Learn About Yourself

While traveling solo it is truly the best time to learn about yourself. You have no outside forces pushing and pulling you in different directions. You are able to discover what you do and don’t like. Maybe you will learn you really do love history or hiking. It is a great time to really discover yourself, your interests, and your strengths.

2. You will become more Outgoing and Confident

When traveling alone it forces you to be confident. Confident in your decisions, confident in your actions, confident in talking to new people, confident being alone. It helps you put yourself out there and talk to new people. I know before I traveled alone I was not confident in many of these areas, especially talking to new people randomly. By the end of my solo trip, I could go up to a large group of people and ask to join.

3. Opens your Eyes to the World

It really shows you the world from a new perspective. When one travels they most often see the world but when you are alone you are more aware of what is going on around you and see things you wouldn’t if you were in a group. It allows you to take the time to learn new things and take in the cultural differences because you are only focused on the place you are in rather than what you and your group are talking about or planning on doing.

4. Make New Friends

If you stay in a hostel you are sure to make a friend or two. There are so many travelers either exploring in a small group or also alone that are more than willing to go on any excursion with you and often times these people are ones you will remain in contact with for a long time. I have people that I met while traveling solo that I still talk to today. It was so much fun meeting people traveling from all over the world that are so open and willing to go on any adventure.

5. You are able to Travel the Way you Want

When traveling alone you are on your schedule. You choose when you wake up, when you leave the hostel, how long you stay at the beach or at the museum. You get to choose what you want to do each day without having to negotiate with anyone. I remember I spent about 2 months traveling alone and the last month of my trip was with a good friend. It was really eye-opening to see how much you sacrifice and have to compromise when traveling with another person. It made me wish I was exploring alone a bit longer.

6. Increases your Responsibility

When traveling alone you are accountable for everything. You have to keep track of your passport, important papers, as well as know when to be on your flights or trains. Even if you are not the best at this, traveling alone forces you to take responsibility for your stuff and your actions. There is no one you can lean on to keep things on track.

7. Very Freeing

As a whole, I believe that traveling alone is so freeing. It is a hard feeling to describe but you are free in every possible way and it feels so good.

8. See the World

I mean who doesn’t want to see the world? My best advice is to just get out there and explore. It is worth the jorney!

I really encourage everyone to travel solo at some point in their life because it is truly an amazing experience.

See You Soon

xoxo Gina

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