

July 10, 2018

The Siena Cathedral is one of the largest in the Tuscan region. On the exterior, it is gorgeous white, green, and red marble. On the inside is black and white marble, the color of the civic coat of arms of Siena. Covering the whole floor is elaborate marble mosaics that are one of a kind. The floor has 56 different panels each with a unique design representing things from the Old Testament and other scriptures.

When building the Cathedral, Siena was in great condition with its rivalry, Florence. The goal of the Cathedral was to be bigger and better than Florence’s. The Cathedral was finished in 1264 but then later had plans to expand the church. Due to the black death, it wiped out 4/5th of the population and the church was never finished. You can see the pillars and other marks where they started but never finished.

The façade of Siena Cathedral is one of the most interesting in Italy. It is a picture of 35 prophets and patriarchs surrounding the Virgin Mary. This unique work of art brings in many different architectural techniques to create the perfect entryway. There are debates whether it was ever complete or not but many believe that revisions were made.

You can also see the spot where St. Catherine collapse. On the stairs leading up to the church, there is an X marking the spot that she died.

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