Semester at Sea


May 3, 2020

Good Morning Travel Bugs!

The first week at sea can be very hard for many. Adjusting to the waves, living with roommates, going to classes on a ship, and having no wifi. It can be quite the adjustment but it is one that is well worth it.

Here are a few tips to help your first week go smooth and help you get into good habits.

1. Make Lots of Friends

This one is quite obvious but don’t hide in your room. The first week everyone finds the people that they click with and although this changes often as in country travel starts, get out there and don’t be shy. There are people for everyone and even if you are shy, or don’t love talking to new people this is the time to break out of your shell. Majority of people on the ship came into this knowing no one or very few people if they do. Everyone is in the same boat and willing to talk to everyone so you don’t have to feel like you will be judged or you won’t make friends. Hiding in your room will only cause you to have a harder time finding friends later on. Everyone I met on SAS was so nice and we all already have something in common … wanting to explore this beautiful world!

2. Seasickness

This is a real thing and may end up being your worst emeny. The first week at sea it is really important to take care of yourself. If you are feeling seasick, on deck 3 outside of the medical clinic there is a jar of seasickness pills that you can take for free whenever you need. Take advantage of these if you are in need and didn’t bring your own. Also if you are feeling seasick and feel like you are going to throw up or can’t be in class be sure to email your professor they will not care. Another great tip is head to the library. Since it is the most central place on the ship it is often the calmest place. My roommate slept in there one night when the waves were terrible. Most importantly, listen to your body and lay down if need be.

3. Get Involved

On one of the first days there is an activity fair and I highly recommend signing up for a few and going to all the meetings throughout SAS (or at least the first one and see if you will like it). There are so many clubs, so even if you feel like you won’t find one go to the fair and just see what there is to offer. Also you can make any club you want so if you don’t see one that peaks your interest, start one. I am not sure if this was just my semester since it got kinda wacked because of Coronavirus but some clubs didn’t ever have meeting so sign up for as many as you want.

4. Wake up Early

One thing that I tried to do as often ass possible was wake up early, for sunrise if possible. I’m not the best at being a morning person but whenever I woke up early and made it to a sunrise and breakfast even tried to throw a workout in, I had the best day and I feel like I got so much more out of the time on the ship. I highly recommend waking up as early as possible as many days as possible.

5. Watch the Sunset

Well, this one is a must! Always go out on the deck and caught the sunset. I missed some of the best days because I was busy or didn’t feel like going up to the pool deck. Even if you pop by for five seconds, you wont regret it!

6. Engage in Class

This one can be hard with the many distraction on the ship but, it will be best if you learn lots in class and put less effort in outside of class. Also stay on top of your homework because the last thing you want to do is have to write a paper while you are exploring one of the many amazing ports. It will make the semester less stressful.

7. Participate in Sea Meetings

In the first week your sea, you may meet more than you could imagine with your sea. My sea had meetings every other day and I am glad that I went to all of them. Not just during the first week but throughout the semester. A lot of people didn’t show up to the meeting and then when sea olympics time rolled around many people that never showed up to any meetings didn’t get a place to compete because they missed the sign up meetings. I promise it is fun to be a part of your sea.

8. Take a Zillion Pictures, and even more Videos

This one may seem obvious but serioulsy take more pictures than humanly possible because even though I took a bazillion I wish I had taken more. Have photoshoots and take it all in! On top of all the photos, take videos. I took a ton of videos but I could have taken more. Videos are some of the best memories because it captures more than just the image but the emotions as well!

I hope that you have the best first week on Semester at Sea and I hope that the whole Semester is just as great!

See You Soon

xoxo Gina

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